Metamask: Can anyone tell me where the problem is? I am trying to make a sort of auto-transaction feature in html using js, but I get this error?

I see you’re trying to implement metamask functionality in your HTML/JavaScript application. Here’s an article that addresses the issue with getting started:

Metamask Problem: Can Anyone Tell Me Where the Issue Is?

As a developer, I’ve encountered numerous errors when implementing metamask functionality in my projects. One of the most common issues is related to the accounts variable being empty or null, which can cause unexpected behavior or errors.

In this article, we’ll explore why you might be experiencing this issue and provide some troubleshooting steps to resolve it.

Why getAccount() returns undefined

When you call getAccount(), metamask sends a request to your Ethereum wallet using the eth_requestAccounts method. This method can return an array of Ethereum accounts if the wallet is accessible, or null/undefined in other cases.

Here’s an example of what might happen:

async function getAccount() {

try {

const accounts = await ethereum.request({ method: 'eth_requestAccounts' });

console.log(accounts); // Output: [{ address: "0x..." }, ...]

} catch (error) {




In this example, the getAccount() function tries to access the accounts variable. If metamask returns an array of accounts, it will be assigned to the accounts variable. However, if metamask cannot find any accessible wallets or returns null/undefined, accounts will remain undefined.

Why is getAccount() returning null?

Metamask: Can anyone tell me where the problem is? I am trying to make a sort of auto-transaction feature in html using js, but I get this error?

There are several reasons why getAccount() might return null:

  • Wallet not accessible: Metamask might be unable to connect to your Ethereum wallet due to a network issue, such as being disconnected or blocked by the Ethereum node.

  • Wallet not authorized: Your Ethereum wallet might not have been authorized for metamask access, which can prevent getAccount() from returning an array of accounts.

  • Metamask version mismatch: You might be using a different version of metamask than the one that’s currently installed on your computer.

Troubleshooting steps

To resolve the issue with getAccount() returning null or undefined, try these troubleshooting steps:

  • Check Ethereum network status

    : Ensure that your Ethereum node is up and running.

  • Verify wallet authorization: Make sure your Ethereum wallet has been authorized for metamask access by checking the metamask settings in your browser.

  • Upgrade to compatible metamask version: If you’re using an older version of metamask, try upgrading to a more recent version that supports eth_requestAccounts.

  • Disable and re-enable metamask: Temporarily disable metamask and then re-enable it to see if the issue is related to access permissions.

Example: Implementing auto-transactions with getAccount()

To implement an auto-transaction feature using getAccount(), you can store the returned accounts in a variable and use them for your transaction. Here’s an example:

async function makeTransaction() {

try {

const accounts = await ethereum.request({ method: 'eth_requestAccounts' });

console.log(accounts); // Output: [{ address: "0x..." }, ...]

// Use the returned accounts for your transaction...

} catch (error) {




// Call makeTransaction() every time you want to send an auto-transaction

setInterval(makeTransaction, 10000); // Send auto-transactions every minute

In this example, we call makeTransaction() every minute using setInterval(). We store the returned accounts in a variable and use them for our transaction.

I hope this article helps you troubleshoot and resolve the issue with your getAccount() function returning null or undefined. Good luck with implementing metamask functionality in your project!


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