Ethereum: How can I get the “official” WETH which is different from wrapping from Uniswap on Sepolia testnet?

Commanding in Ethereum: Handmade for septopic vladelts nft

As a sept, you, verbatim, the problems of the transition and the management of your cytro activists in the Ethereum network. The one of the most unleashed work can be transferred to your packed Ethere (WETH) with a help v2 from uniswap from the Test Sepolia in Mainset.

In this state, we disperse two potential decisions for the “campaign” Weth, which are distinguished from the packaging in the “SPOLIA” teste.

Hold Uniswap and its border

Uniswap – this is a deentalized Obtan (Dex) based on Ethereum and allows the policeman to be covered with cryptocurrency. However, if you use the protocol v2 from Uniswap, “wrap your Weth in token Erc20 named Uniswap v3 token (uni). This process provides a new token, which introduces the weTH package.

Problem with Opensea, which does not recover the public wet

Openseea – This is one of the most popular nft marketing on Ethereum, and it is blowing out that in some policies, the most difficult to do with the official wet as legal. The problem is concluded in the volume, how uniswap has a business with the packaging tokens at the interview with the tests and mainnet.

Resolution 1: Use Solien for “Wrap” Wee

Potential resolution is the use of the seat sepolia ethereum for the connection of your Weth in the competition university, in the Mainnet with v2 from uniswap. With this lining you can check out the thickets of your sepoli and make a mainnet.

To make this:

  • Pay your WETH for the sepoli.

  • Submit the new Erc20 token, which shows WETH, for example, B. “Weth

  • Reverey token Universate in your septopic pot.

The preserving

Resolution 2: Use the SEPOLIA and OPENSEA, to enter the public wet

In the qualities of alternatives, you can use the sepolia to include your Weth in the ERC20, pre -emptie in Opensea. This underwear provides a more involvement of your testnet and mainnet.

To make this:

  • Pay your WETH for the sepoli.

  • Submit the new Erc20 token, which shows WETH, for example, B. “Weth

  • Reverey token Universate in your septopic pot.

The preserving


Well, you can help you help you with the social wet, you have some important degeneration to you. SEPPPPLION SEPPPPLION for “Wrap” is more difficult, but it will pretend to be the interdeneation of your testnet and mainnet, which causes mades. SEOLien and Openseea resolutions, but you can think of add -on.

Independent from the chosen to you, it is important that you were a must have been completed in the WETH, pre -to translate it into the main web or Openseea. It is always possible to check the sublime of your activa, pre -transaction.

The follow -up of these decrees, the Vladelts Septopic NFT can predefal the predattenance and firmly transfer their public wth interfuts and mainnet, use protocol v2 from uniswap.

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